We specialize in providing high-quality environmental projects development services for industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan. Our key services include:

Development of Permitted Emissions and Discharges Projects:
- Determination of maximum emission and discharge limits for specific enterprises, complying with environmental standards.
- Development of measures to reduce and control emissions and discharges into the atmosphere and water resources.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):
- Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of proposed projects on the environment.
- Identification of potential negative impacts and proposing measures for mitigation or compensation.
Water Balance:
- Analysis of water consumption and usage in production.
- Development of water supply and wastewater schemes, considering requirements for the protection of aquatic ecosystems.
- Obtaining permits for special water use.
Waste Management Program:
- Development of a waste management program, including recycling, disposal, and waste volume reduction.
- Design of projects for the reclamation of contaminated lands.
Environmental Monitoring and Control Program:
- Development of environmental monitoring programs to track the quality of air, water, and soil.
- Design of projects for automated control and alert systems for emissions, ensuring a rapid response to potential environmental emergencies.